Current Retreat Offerings

Sowing Seeds of Compassion

A Boundless Compassion 4-Day Program and Retreat

The Boundless Compassion Program seeks to inspire and encourage compassion in one’s lived experience. Together we will create a community of people committed to living and bringing compassion into personal life, community, and the world. With compassion at the center of our lived experiences, we approach one another with true respect, grow in an ability to lessen suffering, and are intentional about encouraging others to live compassionately.

A Listening Heart

An opportunity to try on various prayer practices. Create space to listen to your body, mind, and Spirit. Open your heart to what God might be inviting you to explore, and identify what will be your first faithful step. A time set apart to rest, reflect, and renew.

A Call to Wholeness

Come away to consider your next step to living an abundant life. Consider what area of life—emotional/intellectual, physical, vocational, financial, spiritual, social/interpersonal—you are being invited to focus. Pause to identify the way all of life is connected. Listen for God’s invitation to create steps toward living and leading well.

Seasons of Growth

Whatever season of life, there is an opportunity to grow. Gathering together we will begin by claiming where we have come from, naming where we are today, and review the soil types we have encountered along our journey. We will consider what needs to be nurtured, watered, pruned, and identify the garden tools that will support your growth. Prayer practices, Spiritual Autobiography, Journaling, and small group conversations will support you as you seek to grow where you are in this season of life.